I relentlessly believe in your voice. Do you?

Even if the answer is “no,” that’s ok. 

I believe enough for both of us.

You’ve been told what’s “wrong” with your voice and what to do with your voice for so long. By well-meaning teachers and coaches, by cultural norms, by societal programming. Somewhere along the way, your trust in your voice, and in yourself, was lost. Now it’s time to reclaim your voice. The answer isn’t in another teacher, coach, or program. The answer is in you.

If you want to figure out your voice, you have to deal with your stuff.  The more you work on yourself, the more your voice will show up for you. 

I’m Crystal Barron, Somatic Vocal Coach.

My work blends bodywork, breath, and guided awareness to enable you to build or reclaim your vocal vitality. We tap into deep embodiment, tension and trauma release and physical and emotional freedom as we honor the connection of body, mind, and spirit.

After decades of navigating my own vocal injuries, I developed a unique voice toolkit that has helped hundreds of voice users establish and build a strong and sustainable voice that is uniquely theirs. 

In addition to comprehensive elite-level vocal coaching, my specialties include integrative voice work for treatment resistant dysphonia, nodules, reflux related vocal dysfunction, and menopausal, puberty, and other hormonal voice changes.

You don’t need a voice teacher. You need someone to help you rebuild trust in yourself.

Choose your path

Choose your path

For singers or professional voice users, CrystalVoice offers two major tracks— vocal health or elite vocal coaching.

Elite Vocal


Have you ever had traditional voice lessons before? We don’t do that here. 

I believe:

…that we are both students of your body.

…that your body already knows how to make the sounds that you need for singing

…that your body is wise.

I’m not the expert who will tell you what to do; I’m a collaborator with you.



You’ve done all the exercises and followed all the vocal health checklists. But that’s not working, because in order for your voice to heal you have to understand the sensations in your body, befriending them rather than fearing them. Only then can you move towards healing. 

If self-guided is more your style:

Your voice, your choice.  Take control with CrystalVoice Online Resource Center (ORC): all the tools you need to discover, build and maintain your voice at peak performance throughout your vocal career without paying for years of 1:1 traditional voice lessons that never seem to actually help you reach your vocal goals. 

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